Books I wish had an epilogue

June 14: Books I Wish Had An Epilogue

This week’s TTT topic made me run down memory lane. Honestly, some books only stay on my mind because of the open-close ending. In some instances, I rather have the story have a closed ending because of the finality it makes me feel. Also, I am a nosy person and I would like to know everything. If the ending suits me then I’m happy, if not then at least I can move on. An epilogue is a supplement to the ending. In most Historical Romance books the epilogue either introduces the next couple pairing or the happily ever after in the story (wedding or family settling etc.). Either way, I am satisfied and left with contentment.

As for this post, I am to share some books that deserved an epilogue because the ending left me wondering a lot.

This whole series

Again, another topic that seemed easy but was challenging. If I have a book that had an epilogue on this list, please pardon me. Some of the books here were read 5 to 4 years ago. However, I remember most of the story the epilogue if ever they have was not that memorable to me. Hopefully, this time my posts will be more consistent,

Thank you for reading and God bless,


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