Possible to-be-read books#01

If you have read my posts about TBRs and their effect on me you would know that they lean more on the negative. To give TBRs like posts a try and a positive feeling for me. I have decided to do Possible to read posts. This was mentioned by Dini @dinipandareads in one of my Top Ten Tuesday posts. I liked the idea of possible posts because I don’t need to commit to reading the books on the list. It satisfies my mood reading tendencies and my want to be perfect. I don’t need to be perfect and finish everything on the list which is freeing. This is my first possible read post and hopefully not the last.

The books in this list are possible for the month of August 2022.

Among the books on the list, I am inclined to read Ocean Vhoung’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous. However, if I am in the mood for a romance it would be Under Locke by Mariana Zapata. As for the other two books, I might read them first too. It would really depend on my mood on what next read I”ll dive into.

Thank you and God bless,


let’s be friends.

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