Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit (real places or fictional)

August 2: Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit (real places or fictional)

I think I have done a sort of similar TTT post to this last 2018. It was fun and interesting. Also, it was a way to daydream. The lockdown made me dive into reading more. I was only able to travel thru books. For this post, here are some books that have settings I would like to go to.

Piranesi’s building
English countryside
Even if I have not read it, the coffee shop mentioned here is a place I want to go to
Yunjae mom’s book store
I want to go to the night circus for a day
20,000 leagues under the sea
Caraval would be a fun event to go to
Red London
catacombs in Paris

Again I had fun with this post. I have shared more book settings I would like to go to. The only book I have not read on the list is Before the coffee gets cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. I added it to the list because I liked the idea of a cafe that lets people travel back in time. If this is possible then I know a lot of people who would line up for it. I personally would think twice before doing it since it sounds too convenient for me.

Question: Where Book setting would you like to live in for the rest of your life?

Thank you for reading and God bless,


Here is a similar TTT post to this one

Top Ten Tuesdays: 10 books that take place in countries I would like to visit

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8 thoughts on “Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit (real places or fictional)

  1. A lot of your places you want to visit in books sound pretty good! Visiting the English countryside sounds fun. The 20,000 leagues under the sea surprised me. I think I would get claustrophobic in a submarine.

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